In this newsletter you will find the latest news regarding our auctions.
Newsletter May 2023
June 6th - Exclusive Items
We are organizing our Exclusive Items auction for the fourth time now: 84 ecleclic, high quality lots. Our specializations are once again well represented. For example, we are auctioning another beautiful selection of work by M.C. Escher, including rare ones such as ‘Mummified Frog’ and ‘Fireworks’, but also iconic works such as ‘Up and Down’ and ‘Three Worlds’. Furthermore, we offer an unnumbered version of the book ‘Regular Division of the Plane’, designed by Escher.
The Indonesian Art section includes names like Le Mayeur de Merprès, Lee Man Fong (3x!), Rudolf Bonnet, Theo Meier and Hendra Gunawan (see cover catalogue). Several works come from the collection of Ir. Hin Goan Kwee (born in Batavia, 1932), architect and art lover. He knew many modern Indonesian artists personally, was friends with Rudolf Bonnet and met President Sukarno several times. We included a number of anecdotes from his book about these individuals in our printed catalogue. From Norway we received a work by the modern Indonesian artist Ahmad Sadali.
Furthermore, also Western paintings are well represented, for example: Isaac Israels, Floris Arntzenius, David Oyens, Jacob Maris, Jan Heyse, Reimond Kimpe and Julius Eduard Mařák, a Czech master from the 19th century. Besides, there are a number of Old Masters, including ‘Mercury commands the care of Bacchus to the nymphs of Nysa’ by Johann Carl Loth (1632 – 1698).
This auction, one of the lots with a sensational story, is a sculpture by Lambertus Zijl. The sculpture was surfaced by the owner from the ‘Dutch Titanic’ m.s. Christiaan Huygens. This ship had ship interiors designed by the famous Art Deco designer Lion Cachet and was the most luxurious ship the Netherlands had ever seen. However, in 1945 it hit a mine and eventually sank.
As always, there are several surprising lots, such as a beautifully engraved Dutch glass by top engraver Jacob Sang, a nice selection of antique Dutch seals (‘schepenzegels’), jewellery, sculptures and Chinese porcelain.
This is a live room auction with auctioneer, which starts at 1.30 PM.
The online catalogue can be found here: CATALOGUE 6 – 7 JUNE 2023
Friday, June 2 10.00 AM – 5.00 PM
Saturday, June 3 10.00 AM – 5.00 PM
Monday, June 5 10.00 AM – 5.00 PM
Tuesday, June 6 10.00 AM – Noon

Engraved Dutch glass, Jacob Sang
Amsterdam, 1760

Reimond Kimpe (1885 – 1970)

Appollonius Jan Cornelis Baron Lampsins (1754 – 1834)

Lee Man Fong (1913 – 1988)

Isaac Israels (1865 – 1934)

George Wilhelm Opdenhoff (1807 – 1873)

Julius Eduard Mařák (1832 – 1899)

China, Yongzheng

Renzo Colombo (1856 – 1885)

Lee Man Fong (1913 – 1988)

Jan Heyse (1882 – 1954)

Johann Carl Loth (1632 – 1698)

Abdul Djalil Pirous (1933)

Theo Meier (1908 – 1982)

Chopard, Happy Spirit

M.C. Escher (1898 – 1972)

Collection of stamps, Israel

June 7th - Asian Art Online
This auction contains once again a wide range of Chinese porcelain and also various Indonesian paintings. Furthermore, we also offer an interesting collection of Chinese stamps.
The collection of stamps was collected by a Chinese-Dutch couple in the period 1986 to 1994. Many of the stamps were purchased at the Dutch Stamp and Coin Auction (NPV).
It is a broad collection, including China, Tibet, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Chinese areas, etc. Unused, used, MNH, letters, postal stationary, etc. In many albums and books. We therefore recommend a personal viewing at our auction house.
In case you would like to view the collection in person, please make an appointment via
Please click here to view the online catalogue of this auction: Catalogue 6 – 7 JUNE 2023
August 21st - 28th: Art and Antiques
This is the timed-online auction of our annex Veilinghuis Korendijk,
with something for everyone!
A beautiful collection of tiles has already been consigned for this auction.
Consignment is possible until the first week of August.
More information: