Book: Rudolf Bonnet – beauty remains
€ 64,95
Biography about the artist Rudolf Bonnet (1895-1978). Bonnet is one of the greatest Western artists who worked in Bali. Indonesian President Sukarno was a great admirer of his work. In addition, Bonnet was of great significance for modern Balinese art and he also lived and worked in Italy for many years. With this book, the Zeeuws Veilinghuis wants to bring Rudolf Bonnet back to international attention.
Author: Dr. H. de Roever – Bonnet
- Image editor: René de Visser, Zeeuws Veilinghuis
ISBN: 9789090374796
Binding: Hardback
Number of pages: 288
- Size / weight: 31,5 x 25 cm / 2 kg
Language: English
Edition: 1
Publication date: November 2023
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